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How to Hold a Successful School Meeting

Join the AUScot team for our webinar exploring how to have a successful school meeting.

We know how stressful school meetings can be for everyone involved, and we would like to give as much information as possible to help with the process.

We will have a look at how parents and schools can work together to ensure they are both on the same page and what to do from the planning stages right through to next steps after the meeting. We will also go over how to make sure the environment is suitable for everyone attending, what legal rights autistic children have when it comes to accessing education, and how we can make sure the child’s views are heard.

There will, as always, be time for questions and answers from participants and the AUScot team after the PowerPoint presentation.

29 September

How to Support Executive Functioning of Autistic People at Work?

27 October

How to Support Disclosure of Autism at Work?